Thursday, November 8, 2007


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Deathly afraid of flying? You're not alone..

According to, "one out of every six adults has a fear of flying."

But I guess statistics like this and the thousand of others that try to convince people that winning the lottery is more likely to happen than their plane crashing, means nothing to the average Aerophobic. After all, regardless of all the statistics about shipwrecks, my ship really DID sink.

No matter how many times you try to convert these people either with captivating statistics or by telling them that "everything is gonna be okay," they'll probably be able to plaster a calm smile while they're placing their hand-carry items in the overhead compartments and gather up the courage to sit down and fasten their vinyl seat belts, but by the time the flight attendant starts to perform the evacuation plan, all logic flies out the door. By the time reality kicks in they'll probably be kicked out.

The most effective way to treat these symptoms are not by strapping these people into their seats, but by going through systematic healing processes that are generally used for people that suffer from abnormal anxieties.

Aerophobia can arise from different sets of fears. Some might feel uncomfortable being trapped in a small, enclosed area for a certain amount of time. Others, like control freaks might hate flying because the idea of a total stranger navigating the aircraft gives them a lack of power over the situation. Some might only be afraid of specific aspects of flying like landing or turbulence.

No matter where the problems are rooted, there is always a solution. Here are some helpful websites for all you helpless fliers:

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

a slice of life from a European's pie

An interview with Elizabeth Cubbon

Cubbon is a sophomore and is majoring in Journalism. But she's not your typical CSULB student, she's from Isle of Man.

She is an international-exchange student from Kingston University in London and will be here for two semesters.

Q: What made you want to study abroad?

Elizabeth: I've always lived in a small town so I was just waiting for an opportunity that would allow me to take a huge step, and this was it.

Q: What do you like the most about CSULB?

Elizabeth: I noticed that people here are a lot more friendly and confident, especially towards strangers. You probably won't get it because you're from here, but it's just the way people approach you and present themselves. I guess you can say that they're more comfortable with being themselves in public.

(Maybe us Beachers are a bit too liberal at times?)

Q: Did you find it hard to adjust?

Elizabeth: It was kind of hard making friends at first because I figured everyone already had their little groups going, but that was my fault. Everyone, for the most part is very friendly.

It was also hard for me to get used to the drinking age. Where I live, I was legal to drink last year and I'm only 19. Here, they're so strict on kids that just want to have a little fun. In Europe, a lot of the students' social life revolves around the bar scene.

Q: What do you miss most about home?

Elizabeth: Well I miss my family and friends the most, but there are little things that I can't wait to go back to. Like drinking and partying legally. I also miss going out on weekdays. Here it seems that the social scene usually revolves around the weekends, but where I'm from, students stay in during this time because it's too expensive to go out. Instead, they party through out the week.

Q: What are some things you'll miss most about California?

Elizabeth: The weather! It's always nice and sunny here and it's always raining in London.

Q: Are there any places that you would recommend people going if they wanted to experience a little bit of the European flavor?

Elizabeth: There's this place on 2nd St. that's called La Creperie. I love the atmosphere there and their crepes are the best that I've tasted since I've been living here.